Photogrammetry Services



Photogrammetry is an accurate and convenient tool for measuring accident vehicle damage using photographs.  Investigators often use damage measurements to estimate vehicle speeds and other crash parameters.  Photographs taken by first responders, bystanders, insurance adjusters, or accident reconstructionists can all be useful in building a photo model from which damage can be measured, with no special equipment required.  Measured Images specializes in this type of analysis.


An exemplar vehicle model is often an integral part of a damage analysis.  Exemplar vehicle photos can be used to supplement limited accident vehicle photos and provide a scale for measurements.  They can also produce an undamaged vehicle shape for comparison to a crush profile.  Measured Images has access to a large selection of suitable exemplar vehicles in the Tucson and Phoenix metro areas.


Scene evidence may have been preserved in police or bystander photographs, and photogrammetry is an ideal solution for gathering data that might otherwise be lost.  Inspection photos, digital survey data, or even hand-written measurements may be incorporated into the photo model as well, producing a summary view of all the evidence in one diagram.  Measured Images is experienced in the conduct of vehicle and scene inspections, and in the production of scene diagrams.


Data can be gathered from photos or video footage in any number of unique circumstances.  Measured Images has used photogrammetry to measure the speed of vehicles in a security video, the height of an individual in historical photographs, and the dimensions of a failed safety grating that was no longer available for inspection.  We have even used photogrammetry to measure the size of boat wakes using floats and drone video footage.


Daniel Peterson, P.E. is the owner and founder of Measured Images, and a registered Mechanical Engineer in the State of Arizona.  Mr. Peterson has been using EOS Systems’ Photomodeler software for 15 years and he is experienced in vehicle and scene inspections.  He is also skilled in several related tools and techniques including digital photography, videography, and software programs such as AutoCAD.  Mr. Peterson previously managed crash tests and other projects as an engineer for Exponent Inc from 2005-2015.  His interest in aviation spurred him to pursue training as a commercial pilot in 2015.  In addition to his photogrammetry work, Mr. Peterson has accumulated over 2500 PIC flight hours in helicopters, and he currently serves as an air ambulance pilot in Arizona.


Please use the form below to get in touch with Mr. Peterson.  He will email or call you back promptly and would be glad to discuss a potential project, provide a cost estimate, or offer suggestions for upcoming inspections.  Mr. Peterson is also available to travel for remote inspections.